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KanaChan Tracing with Inkscape

Kanna-Chan, one of my favorite anime characters. Kanna-Chan comes from the anime Kobayashi Maid Dragon. Plot simple story and make gemes. Kanna Chan is a kid's character who is still innocent, cute, likes to eat small animals (please be supervised if you have a sister like this) So from that, I want to make this character tracing. I forgot how long it took to trace this Kanna-chan character. I think it took me a week or three more weeks to make this character. Starting from line art, coloring, to shading. For color, I modify a bit so the results are better. So the final result and the source of the image will be slightly different. Because I want to master the coloring technique. Here is the final result.
Kanna Kobayashi tracing inkscape and illustrator

As for the full results can be seen in the picture below. I made it in A4 size and slightly adjusted.
Kanna Chan tracing anime in inkscape and adobe illustrator

If you want to see the image file in Inkscape format. You can download it at the following link.


Okay, until here just to post this tracing. If you have any questions, please fill your question in the comments field below.

Irfan P
Irfan P Blogger, Graphic Designer, Front End Web Developer

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