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Gimpscape Banner Design Tutorial

In this post, I will share a Gimpscape banner tutorial in Inkscape. In this inkscape tutorial, the trick is very simple. Easy to do even small children can do it. This vector design is inspired by the banner design that is on Google. For this reason, I really want to make it in Inkscape. If you make it in Adobe Illustrtor or in Corel Draw it's very common.

Gimpscape Banner Design Tutorial Inkscape Gimp Logo Adobe Illustrator

To create a design like the one above. We only need the basic tools in Inkscape. And here I also play with gradient colors. For fonts, of course I use fonts from googlefonts. You can get it there.

Gimpscape Banner Design Tutorial Inkscape Gimp Logo Adobe Illustrator

Well, here I will not describe this inkscape design tutorial in written form. Please watch the inkscape tutorial video below.

After watching the video above. What do you think? I hope you can follow it well.

Thank you for visiting this blog. Hopefully Inkscape will remain victorious. And recognized by other professionals.
Irfan Prastiyanto
Irfan Prastiyanto Logo/Graphic/Wordpress Designer

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