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Free Download T-Shirt Mockup XCF for GIMP

Hi, I'm reposting this mockup again because this blog was detected with duplicate content because I changed the domain to a subdomain. For those of you who have a business selling t-shirts or the like. You will definitely need this t-shirt mockup. In the business of selling t-shirts, surely you won't buy a t-shirt and then print the design onto the t-shirt, right? Of course this will add to the cost again, even though it is not certain that the shirts will sell well. With this t-shirt mockup, you can present thousands of different and unique t-shirt designs without having to print them onto t-shirts first. If an order comes in, then you can print the design onto the t-shirt according to the client's design choice. So, you definitely need this t-shirt mockup design file, right?

Free download t-shirt mockup xcf for gimp psd adobe photoshop

There are many t-shirt mockups on the internet for Adobe Photoshop. Obviously this will be detrimental to users of free applications such as GIMP. For that, I have a plan to convert PSD mockups that are scattered on the internet to XCF format which can be used in GIMP. So, GIMP users don't need to worry anymore about this mockup problem. Here is a mockup display that I designed for the GIMP software.

With this mockup that's specifically for GIMP users, you can easily attach your designs to t-shirts with a variety of color choices. I try to make the mockup that I made in GIMP easy to use for most users. So the user just needs to copy and paste the design, change the size a bit, and save. So simple and fast.

Free download t-shirt mockup xcf for gimp psd adobe photoshop

For those of you who are reading this post, you are definitely looking for a link to download a t-shirt mockup file for GIMP. You can download this t-shirt mockup file at the following link:


Okay, I hope this t-shirt mockup for GIMP will be useful to many people. Especially people who have a business buying and selling t-shirts. That's all for this post. Thank you for dropping by here.

Irfan Prastiyanto
Irfan Prastiyanto Logo/Graphic/Wordpress Designer

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