How to Make an Editable Glitch Text Effect in Inkscape
Hi, I haven't posted anything on this blog in a long time. Actually I already have a list of tutorials that I will do. Sorry if you don't have time to make a tutorial. Here I plan to share my experiences when using inkscape, gimp, blender, krita, to shortcuts. For this post, I share an inkscape tutorial. Here I am still happy to deal with this Inkscape. And for inkscape that I'm currently using, is version 1.1. You can download it on the official website. Okay, here I created an editable glitch text effect design. Why? Because when I create any text effect, I want to be able to replace the text in one step. So don't create a text effect from scratch. If in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator it is much easier. Hopefully in the future Inkscape and Gimp software developers can make it happen. Let's take a look at the Glitch Text Effect design created in Inkscape below.
I created a Glitch Text Effect design in Inkscape inspired by a post from Designcrowd. I think that's good. And immediately I tried to make the design in Inkscape. It took a few tweaks but I really enjoyed the process. For about a day, I fiddled with inkscape. How to quickly create this Glitch Text Effect design? How can this text effect be replaced with text easily without having to create a text effect from scratch? I spent the whole day thinking about it, and by the time the evening started I tried it and it worked. Immediately then I arranged to make an inkscape tutorial video.
For those of you who are used to using Inkscape, it's definitely easy. Well here, I emphasize again how to make a glitch effect that can be edited text easily? The method is quite simple, because we can use the clone tool in Inkscape. You better watch my inkscape tutorial video below.
What do you think after watching the video above? Very easy isn't it? In Inkscape we can imagine pouring brilliant ideas that are not inferior to Adobe Illustrator software. Hopefully this inkscape will be more advanced so that the developers are excited to develop this inkscape application. Don't forget to donate on the official inkscape website so that inkscape continues to grow. This is enough for this post. Thank you for reading my post.
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