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How to Create an Editable Ice Text Effect in Inkscape

Hi, here I share how to make an ice text effect in Inkscape that can be edited again. You can later change the text, font size, to the font type but still in the form of an ice effect. Actually, Inkscape is very powerful if we can maximize the use of these filters. We just combine some filters and get the effects we want. It started at that time, I was curious to make editable text effects in FOSS software. And one I believe, Inkscape can do it. After trying it, I think it works. And here's the ice text effect that I made in Inkscape which of course can be edited.

How to Create an Editable Ice Text Effect in Inkscape Desainew Studio trick Adobe Illustrator Corel Draw

I've also included a source .SVG file that you can tinker with. You can download it below...


To see how I made this ice text effect, you can watch it on my channel

I think that's enough for this post, I hope the Inkscape features will be even cooler in the future. Thank you for visiting this blog.

Irfan Prastiyanto
Irfan Prastiyanto Logo/Graphic/Wordpress Designer

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